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Endoscopic Spinal Surgery

Minimally invasive alternative option appropriate for selected patients


Endoscopic spinal surgery relates to an ultra minimally invasive technique to treat common spinal problems utilising small incisions where a surgical viewing telescope and specialised instruments are inserted through subcentimetre incision(s). While most commonly used in the lumbar spine and in the setting of disc prolapses or for denervation of arthritic facet joints, it is evolving to treat problems in all locations of the spine and other more complex pathologies. The proven advantages from the studies comparing it to conventional treatments are less initial postoperative pain, less muscle damage, quicker return to activities, less bodily response to surgical trauma and less infection risk. Dr Zotti will advise you of whether you are a suitable candidate for this type of procedure. 
The longterm outcomes are similar or equivalent to traditional surgery but the faster recovery is particularly appealing to patients requiring expedited return to high intensity activities and service e.g. Defence, police, fire.


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Top left two images: Endoscopic discectomy
Middle right:
Micro-endoscopic discectomy and annuloplasty (Disc-FX)


Middle image:
Posterior endoscopic cervical foraminotomy/discectomy
Top and middle right images:

Endoscopic cervical medial branch rhyzotomy
Endoscopic lumbar medial branch rhyzotomy

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